This case involved a 53 year old female who was complaining of moderate Tinnitus in both ears. Her intake form suggested that her Tinnitus was mostly not related to age based on some key factors that suggest other reasons. During the intake discovery session there were no indications of damage… Read more“Tinnitus Case 1”
Behavior Modification Case 3
This case involves a 23 year old female who was running her bank account dry by trying to keep up with all the latest trends so she could fit in and be socially accepted. She would buy things specifically for every occasion. She had tens of boxes of clothes, shoes… Read more“Behavior Modification Case 3”
Using sex novelty hypnosis as therapy for Multiple sclerosis Case 1
To date this is a one off application of sex enhancement hypnosis as therapy to slow the advancement of Multiple sclerosis. This was something I neither marketed nor considered as actual therapy, however I was asked to do it. As I saw nothing negative about it and did understand the… Read more“Using sex novelty hypnosis as therapy for Multiple sclerosis Case 1”
TI Case 1
This case involved a 27 year old female from the USA. Dealing with people who feel they are a targeted individual (TI) requires a deeper understanding of the underlying causes and in some cases working in conjunction with a psychiatrist if medication is deemed necessary. A person who feels they… Read more“TI Case 1”
OCD Case 1
This case involves a 43 year old male who was suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) who was finding that it was starting to impair his professional life and income as it was now a distraction from work. He worked as a freelancer writing computer code and the OCD was… Read more“OCD Case 1”
Anxiety Case 2
This case involves a 21 year old female who was suffering from extreme social anxiety. She could not stay away from social media for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Even at night when she would get up to use the toilet she would take her phone… Read more“Anxiety Case 2”
Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 5
This case involves a 44 year old woman who lost the ability to orgasm. The condition came on suddenly after hysterectomy surgery three years prior to seeing me. This was having a negative impact on her relationship with her husband and their sex life. She no longer felt desire for… Read more“Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 5”
Fibromyalgia Case 1
This case involves a 30 year old female who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the age of 24. Since then her quality of life has been in consistent decline. Because she was in constant pain she gradually reduced her range of motion to about 25% of what would be seen… Read more“Fibromyalgia Case 1”
Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 4
This case involves a 22 year old female suffering from Vaginismus who was raised under a very strict Sharia law environment. Under Sharia law the death penalty is considered adequate punishment for sexual behavior outside of Sharia law guidelines. As a result, fear of religious punishment for having sex was… Read more“Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 4”
Anxiety Case 1
This case involves a 53 year old male from the United States who had a nagging anxiety issue. However in this case as the problem was from his childhood, he could not remember exactly what or when caused the anxiety. He just knew it had to go because it was… Read more“Anxiety Case 1”
Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 3
This case involves a 30 year old female from Russia who had a difficult time with sex. There was a huge conflict going on in her head about sex being right or wrong. I was first contacted by her husband who thought he may be suffering from premature ejaculation. After… Read more“Female Sexual Dysfunction Case 3”
The amazing human brain and it’s ability to cure
This entry is not so much about hypnosis. This story is all about the subtle hints the human brain provides that clinical hypnotherapists see on a regular basis. What we observe and where it points is truly amazing. In a lot of ways, people that understand hypnosis are way ahead… Read more“The amazing human brain and it’s ability to cure”
Behavior Modification Case 2
This case involves a 40 year old male from the United States who was told he had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and was looking for help as things were getting worse and it was starting to have a negative effect in his professional life as well as his personal life…. Read more“Behavior Modification Case 2”
Ending Antidepressants Case 1
This case involves a 33 year old female from the United States who after seeking me out for clinical hypnotherapy for the causing issues that placed her on antidepressants to begin with, discovered she no longer needed them once the cause issues were resolved. However due to the nature of… Read more“Ending Antidepressants Case 1”